
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

About Me

Hey y'all! So I'm talking to my sister the other day about my new adventure: Tasteful Texan. She brought up some pretty great points like "um, hey do you have a 'about me' section? Because you need to explain where you are coming from and stuff." Well she is completely right. I just kinda dove into this blogging thing because I had so many ideas building up for months before I actually created the website. So thanks, sis. Here it goes.

My name is Brittani.
I was born and raised in Texas with one younger sister, my mom and dad.
I'm in my early twenties.
I have been married for about two and a half years.
J got a promotion through his job which required us to move to Chicago in December 2012. (That's right, us southerners moved to the north IN THE MIDDLE OF WINTER. Welcome to Chicago.)

So basically we are missing our families, hanging out with each other and figuring it out as we go along.

I chose to start a blog because:
1. I love reading them!
2. I wanted a place to document our adventure of living 14 hours away from everyone we know and love.
3. It sounded like fun. J used to be a webmaster for a small company so with his computer 'expertise' and my ability to talk about...well anything...I thought it would be a fun thing to do together.

The name 'Tasteful Texan' was created because my first choice (Misplaced Texans) was taken. The word tasteful means "having good taste" and some synonyms are classy, graceful and elegant. I wouldn't say those words describe me, but that is the vision I have for the blog and how I ultimately would like to be described.

There you have it. Hope this provides a little insight. I'm sure I will digress much more information the longer my blog stays alive.

Be back soon.

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